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Every day we go about our daily routine, unaware of how everything we do affects our environment. We roll out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, make some bacon and eggs for breakfast and sit down to watch the news. But how often do we think about the process it took to get all of these things on the table in front of us? When pouring your cup of coffee do you ever think about how they irrigated the land the beans were grown in, how they were harvested, transported, packaged and delivered to your neighborhood grocery store? In places throughout the world, we have become so accustomed to this fast-paced and mass-produced lifestyle that we just expect things to be handed to us. We have the privilege to not have to think about how the products we need are made, we just go and pick them up when we need them without a second thought.


We use Earth’s resources as if they are all renewable which unfortunately many of them are not. We take for granted our access to water, energy, and food. Humans have a tendency to take more than they need and to take what they want despite the chance that it may be harmful to the common good. Scientists say that if the average temperature of the Earth goes up by two degrees Celsius, the effects of climate change are likely to be irreversible. In a study recently released by Earth System Dynamics in 2016, if the average temperature goes up by two degrees Celsius we could see catastrophic changes such as a 50cm rise in sea level, 98% of Earth’s coral reefs at risk, longer lasting heat waves, and decreased freshwater availability.


Although it seems bleak, there are millions of people who are actively working to combat climate change. Those who are working towards reducing their food waste, advocating for renewable energy sources, restoring tropical forests, and educating the public about this issue. Even though we can all do our individual part to help, the main problem still stems from our societal standard of living. To change this we must work together by advocating for a cleaner lifestyle and leading society down a new path.


How long will we wait before we make an effort to change?

How long can we stand by and ignore scientific facts?

How long before we start caring about future generations?


How long before it’s too late?

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

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